Preface to the Story The year is 2186. Humanity has established colonies on the Moon, Mars, and several of the larger asteroids. Earth's sky is dotted with space habitats, and the spaceways are always busy. As usual, there is the urgent need for energy to power this advanced civilization; one of the primary sources of that energy is quantum black holes. In STARCROSS, you are a black hole miner, scouring the asteroid belt in your one-man survey ship. Finding and harnessing a single black hole can make a person's fortune. It's a lonely business, fraught with the known and unknown hazards of space. You've equipped your ship, the mining vessel Starcross, with the best gear you could afford. You've put everything into venture, and though you've tried before, you somehow sense that this time will be different. The ship's computer handles the functions of navigation and routine maintenance. You watch the sophisticated mass detector as it unceasingly scans the vicinity for uncharted masses. To assuage the tedium of your long trip, you browse through the compact tape library, a compendium of human knowledge and culture. But the drone of the ship gradually lulls you into a deep sleep. As you sleep, you dream of the riches which would be yours if your search for a quantum black hole is successful. Little do you suspect that the ala your mass detector is about to jolt you out of your dream - but not to grapple with the long-sought black hole. Your quest has taken an unexpected turn, for you are destined to rendevouz with a gargantuan alien spaceship from the outer fringes of the galaxy. M. C. S. STARCROSS Mass Detector Output Time -2186 : 104 : 58923 Valid until -2186 : 104 : 59287 Uncharted Mass Coordinates: Asteroid Coordinates: Name R Theta Phi Name R Theta Phi ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ UM08 150 :110 :017 AX01 200 :240 :134 UM12 100 :345 :107 AX32 125 :240 :105 UM24 100 :285 :087 AX71 125 :180 :047 UM28 250 :45 :178 AX87 125 :75 :102 UM31 150 :105 :067 UM52 175 :165 :035 Inhabited Asteroid Coordinates: UM70 100 :135 :101 UM91 50 :15 :121 Name R Theta Phi ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Ship Coordinates: AB40 250 :300 :022 Name R Theta Phi ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ US75 175 :135 :034 Instructions for use: To reach your destination, enter the three navigation coordinates by typing: Computer, range is (value). Theta is (value). Phi is (value). As a safety feature, your computer will not initate a new navigational program without confirmation. You can do this by typing: Computer, confirm new course.